Our firm serves as fiduciary advisor, designing and managing investment portfolios to help you achieve your life goals by reviewing your objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon and income needs.
Long Run primarily allocates client portfolios among individual stocks, bonds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). On a more limited basis the firm may also utilize mutual funds.
We sift through a wide range of investment choices to uncover those we believe to be of the highest caliber, judged by potential for growth, capital preservation, income and other factors. We then further refine that pool to suit your specific needs, placing your interests first in all decision-making.
Your goals and dreams are unique, and we believe your investment strategy should follow suit.
Investing in securities involves certain financial risks. Securities may fluctuate in value or lose value. Clients should be prepared to bear the potential risk of loss. Long Run will assist clients with determining the appropriate strategy based on their tolerance for risk and other potential risk of loss
We sift through the many investment strategies, managers and products to uncover unique opportunities for you.
Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation.